Psychotherapy Program

Most of the time, the health, social, financial, and occupational consequences are not enough to stop a person with a substance use disorder to stop using drugs and alcohol. The truth of the matter is that the desire to quit is usually not strong enough. Therefore, addiction is too complicated for patients to treat on their own. Luckily, help is readily available through Archstone’s psychotherapy program. Our professional medical staff specializes in helping people become stable and move on with their lives. If you, or someone you know, is suffering from a substance use disorder, contacting Archstone Behavioral Health is the best thing you can do. Contact us today and we will help you work through your issues in a comfortable manner.

therapy session

Archstone offers both group and individual therapy sessions.

Psychotherapy and Addiction

People do not choose to become profoundly addicted to something that is killing them. People who find themselves addicted to mind-altering substances (both legal and illegal) often understand the consequences of their addiction and wish to get rid of it. Still, they do not see a practical way to abstain from use. At Archstone Behavioral Health, we provide people with the tools, strategies, and coping mechanisms to get sober and manage their addictions. In addition to our individual counseling sessions, we also introduce people to a supportive, active community of sober Lantana residents to keep people connected and supported.

Addiction Treatment at Archstone

Overcoming addiction is a daunting task for any person. We offer both group and individual therapy sessions for our patients. Challenges related to addiction become increasingly complex, especially if you also struggle with co-occurring psychological or psychiatric conditions. Our full-time psychiatrists and clinical psychologists on staff allow Archstone Behavioral Health to diagnose, assess, stabilize, and provide treatment and provide the following treatment programs:

Archstone Behavioral Health’s Psychological and Psychiatric Care Includes:

  • A model of integrated treatment (including a multi-disciplinary team approach for the treatment of your mental health needs)
  • Specialized therapy offering individual and small-group counseling to treat co-occurring disorders including trauma, anxiety, depression, grief, anger, stress, and chronic pain
  • Evaluation and monitoring of co-occurring mental health disorders

psychotherapy medical professionals

Our team will carefully monitor your progress.

One of the early parts of addiction treatment involves exploring the patient’s past and how their experiences, trauma, and life circumstances led to chemical dependence. Individual counseling programs can help with this. We use several treatment modalities, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and EMDR, among others, to pinpoint the source and type of thoughts that lead to addictive behaviors. Our treatments are customized toward the specific needs of our patients, as no two patients are the same.

Treating Depression

The number of Americans suffering from depression is staggering; it is one of the most common (and severe) mental health problems facing Florida residents today. Clinical depression is a condition causing prolonged feelings of sadness that prevent a person from functioning normally. Diagnosing clinical depression involves a series of standard questions, a physical examination, and an observation of behavioral symptoms. The best treatment for depression is a combination of psychotherapy and medications.

Treating Anxiety

Anxiety, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), affects around 40 million adults in the U.S, according to the ADAA. This mental health issue features strong feelings of unease, fear, and worry. While everyone has to deal with anxiety at some point, people with GAD feel anxious about a large range of issues and situations. Diagnosing GAD in adults involves a psychological evaluation and comparison of symptoms to the DSM-5 criteria. The psychological evaluation also serves to check for any related complications such as substance abuse and depression.

The best form of treatment for anxiety is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, as it teaches the patients very specific skills that they can use to improve their condition and return to their normal lives.

Treating bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder, commonly known as manic-depressive illness, is a condition that features very intense mood swings, bordering on mania and depression. It is estimated that around 4.5% of U.S. adults will experience bipolar disorder at some point throughout their lives. Diagnosing this mental issue involves a physical exam, where the doctor may also require a blood test to determine whether any other condition (e.g. hypothyroidism) is the underlying cause. If there are no physical causes, the patient will also undergo a psychological evaluation.

two people talking

Treating bipolar disorder starts with talking about your symptoms.

During the psychological evaluation, your mental health professional will inquire about a family history of bipolar disorder, as well as anxiety and depression. The evaluation will also include a comprehensive symptoms analysis and may also include a questionnaire for clarification.

Treatment for bipolar disorder includes a combination of medications, psychological treatment, and lifestyle advice. The exact treatment type depends on the patient and their unique needs.

Treating Schizoaffective Disorder

Schizoaffective disorder may not be as common as other mental health issues, as only around 0.3% of people develop the condition throughout their life. But for the people suffering from this condition, statistics don’t matter at all. Schizoaffective disorder is a mental health condition that features symptoms of both mood disorders and schizophrenia. There is a range of symptoms associated with the condition such as poor attention, hallucinations, decreased mood, and even a distinct lack of pleasure.

This condition may be diagnosed through physical and psychological examination, but there are no specific lab tests to diagnose it. The physical examination serves to rule out any other illnesses that may be causing the symptoms to appear. The psychological examination involves specially designed tests (interviews, assessments) as well as listening to the patient describe the symptoms themselves while observing the patient’s movement, speech, and behavior.

Treating schizoaffective disorder involves skills training, psychotherapy, and medication. Depending on the individual’s needs, the medical health professional may recommend CBT, DBT, or even EMDR.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a widely recognized evidence-based treatment style that examines how negative and positive behaviors are learned and reinforced over time. To change behaviors, a participant must work to modify the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that contribute to substance use. One example of a thought that may encourage a person to use illicit substances is, “I’m a terrible person; I deserve everything bad that happens to me.” At Archstone, we help modify these damaging thoughts and beliefs. Through this process, the patient works to change their thinking in order to transform their emotional responses, self-image, and behavior.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a modified type of CBT, with an enhanced focus on teaching people how to live in the moment, as well as how to develop healthy coping mechanisms. This therapy modality also serves to help the patients improve their relationships and regulate their emotions. DBT was primarily developed for treating borderline personality disorders, but it can also be extremely useful in treating a variety of other mental health conditions such as substance use disorders, eating disorders, and PTSD.

two happy people

Through DBT, you will learn how to “Live in the moment”.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping patients heal from symptoms brought on by disturbing life experiences. The therapy accomplishes this by removing mental “blocks” that stem from these experiences, thus allowing your brain to heal naturally.

Through an eight-phase approach, medical professionals at Archstone will look into your past, your present, and your future to identify disturbing memories and related events, and provide you with a way to develop the skills you need to overcome your mental health issues.

What is a Dual Diagnosis Program?

A dual diagnosis program provides treatment for mental health and addiction issues. Archstone Behavioral Health is a dual diagnosis capable addiction treatment program based on ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) patient placement criteria. Dual diagnosis programs can meet an individual’s needs by helping to stabilize mental health disorders and helping patients function independently. Our goal is to help stabilize our patients’ mental health disorders to prevent these disorders from interfering with addiction treatment.

Join the Archstone Family

The professional team at Archstone Behavioral Health will provide patients with all the support and care that they need to combat their mental health issues. We also provide our patients with all the tools they need in order to reclaim parts of their lives they thought were lost. It is true that attending treatment for addiction takes time and commitment, but the rewards are astounding. When you are ready to try something that actually works, give us a call. Contact our team to get started!


What does psychotherapy feel like?

Above all, psychotherapy is a safe place to share what is on your mind and let your feelings out. Talking to someone that fully understands you and does not judge you can be extremely empowering. It is possible that you may experience heightened emotions throughout the therapy but you will have full support throughout the entire process.

How long do the therapy sessions last?

For the most part, one-on-one psychotherapy sessions last around 50 minutes. Group sessions may go on longer than that. At times, sessions can also be shorter, lasting about 20 to 30 minutes.

Is psychotherapy safe?

Yes, provided that your therapist adheres to a code of ethics and professional practice. At Archstone, we adhere to the highest industry standards, are licensed by the state of Florida, and possess a voluntary, gold-standard, Joint Commission accreditation.

Is psychotherapy confidential?

Of course. Anything you say to your therapist will be fully confidential. The only exception to this rule may happen if your words and actions present an immediate danger to yourself or someone else.



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